Alleluia! Alleluia! The Lord is risen. Dear friends today’s celebration is the foundation for our Christian faith. Without Easter, there is no Christianity. St. Paul Says to Corinthians; “if Christ has not been raised, then empty [too] is our preaching; empty, too, your faith” (1 Cor 15:14). Today’s celebration proves that Jesus is not mere ethical teacher nor a miracle worker, rather a GOD. Yes, He is God. One thing that differentiates the God of Christianity from gods of other religions is the resurrection of Jesus. Gods in some traditional religions claim to be living forever but none of them have undergone death and resurrection.

St. Anselm in his proof for the existence of God says; we cannot imagine something that is greater than God. Similarly, we cannot imagine something that is greater than the resurrection of the person. However, the resurrection of our Lord is not an imagination but a historical fact. The resurrection event being a historical fact could not be negated by anyone. The factual evidence for the resurrection of our Lord gives reason for our faith. Since, God created humans as intellectual being, He wants humans to have faith that is reasonable to his/her intellect. God has not downplayed our capacity to reason. The resurrection of the Lord is the reason and foundation for our faith. We may not understand the resurrection in itself fully, but this event being a mystery to comprehend serves as the basis to believe. Our faith begins from an extraordinary and mysterious event. The comprehensibility of incomprehensible nature of the resurrection event opens a new era – an era of Christianity.

In the Gospels, we see that the first witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection are women. The apostles are first given a message to recall the preaching of the Lord about His resurrection. Then only the risen Lord appears to the apostles. There are witnesses for Jesus’ passion, death and burial. Interestingly, there is no one to witness the rising of the Lord from the tomb, not even the guards. In Matthew’s Gospel we see angels coming down from heaven, roll away the stone and sit on it (Mt 28:2). The presence of heavenly beings move the guards to be like dead persons (Mt 28:4). At that time, there is no one inside the tomb. The body of Jesus is not there. This shows that the guards do not know when the Lord has left the tomb. They have continued to watch over the tomb even after it has become empty. Simon Peter says that the risen Lord appeared only to a few chosen people (Acts 10:41). The believers see risen Jesus, other witness only the empty tomb. The opponents of Jesus do know that He would rise on the third day. They did not fully believe that He would rise from the dead. Nevertheless they suspected that His disciples would take away His body from the tomb, to proclaim that He is risen (Mt 27:64). In one way the opponents become strong evidence for Jesus’ resurrection. Their guards witness both the heavenly beings and the empty tomb! In addition, the witnesses of the empty tomb of Jesus, see the burial cloths too (Jn 20:6-7). This shows that the body of Jesus has not been robbed. The glorious risen body of Jesus does not require earthly cloths.

For past six weeks, we have been preparing for this great day. Now that the day has come let us make sure that the fruit has been borne. Let us not lose the grace we have received during the season of Lent. May the risen Lord begin a new era in our life. Let our lives be renewed in this Easter celebration as we renew our baptismal promises. May this greatest event in the history cause greatest changes in our lives. Happy Easter to one and all!
